Yasir Hussain Iqra Aziz

Yasir Hussain Praises Iqra Aziz as a Superstar: A Heartfelt Admiration.

Yasir Hussain’s Open Appreciation for Iqra Aziz.

In a recent interview on a private TV channel, renowned Pakistani actor Yasir Hussain shared his thoughts on his wife, Iqra Aziz, and their personal and professional lives. Yasir’s candid discussion provided a glimpse into his admiration for Iqra, whom he confidently described as a superstar.

Iqra Aziz: A Superstar at Home and Abroad

During the interview, the host reminded Yasir of a previous statement he had made, where he referred to Iqra Aziz as a superstar while considering himself merely an actor. The host questioned if Yasir still held the same opinion.

Without hesitation, Yasir reaffirmed his belief, saying, “Yes, of course, I will say the same today that Iqra is a superstar.” He elaborated on his reasoning, sharing that whenever they travel abroad, fans from Bangladesh, India, and other countries flock to take selfies with Iqra. “I think it’s a superstar trait that I call her a superstar,” he explained, emphasizing the widespread admiration and recognition Iqra receives internationally.

The Joy of Theater

The conversation also touched upon Yasir’s love for theater. When asked about his passion for live performances, Yasir expressed his enthusiasm for the stage. “Whenever I get a chance, I will go to the theater to do drama because there is a different kind of enjoyment in it,” he said. Yasir highlighted the unique interaction between actors and the audience in a theater setting. He appreciates the immediate feedback from the audience, which is often conveyed through their facial expressions. “They give open praise, and if we fail to entertain them, we know from their reactions,” he noted, underlining the raw and honest connection theater provides.

Addressing Misconceptions

Yasir Hussain also took the opportunity to address some misconceptions about his personality. He mentioned that people often perceive him as angry and arrogant. However, he clarified, “I am a normal person,” indicating that public perceptions are not always accurate. This candid admission adds a layer of depth to his public persona, showing a more relatable and down-to-earth side of the actor.

Yasir and Iqra: A Power Couple in Pakistani Entertainment

Yasir Hussain and Iqra Aziz are widely recognized as one of Pakistan’s most beloved celebrity couples. Their relationship often draws attention from fans and media alike, with both stars being prominent figures in the entertainment industry. Yasir’s open admiration for Iqra not only highlights their strong bond but also underscores the mutual respect and support they have for each other’s careers.

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Iqra Aziz, with her numerous accolades and a strong fan base, continues to make waves in the industry. Yasir’s acknowledgment of her superstar status reflects her significant impact and the admiration she commands across borders. Together, they represent a dynamic duo, each contributing uniquely to the world of Pakistani entertainment.


Yasir Hussain’s recent interview sheds light on his deep respect and admiration for his wife, Iqra Aziz. By calling her a superstar, he acknowledges her talent, popularity, and the love she receives from fans worldwide. Yasir’s reflections on theater and his efforts to address public misconceptions further paint a picture of an actor who values genuine connections and personal growth. As Yasir and Iqra continue to shine in their respective careers, their story remains a source of inspiration and admiration for many.

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