shabbir jan

Shabbir Jan became overwhelmed while mentioning his late mother…

Shabbir John, a seasoned actor in show business, broke down in tears as he spoke about his late mother.

Actor Shabbir Jan recently attended the event and shared candid details about his personal and professional life.

Shabbir jan broke down in tears as he spoke about his late mother

He mentioned that when my mother would tell my father, “Don’t hit it, it’s my lost coin,” no other coin would function.

Shabbir Jan expressed his sadness and added, “Allah has shown me that day and that place.”

The actor claimed that because of his mother’s illness, he broke his first fast of Ramadan every year with her and the kids in tow. At ten o’clock at night, he then went on to shoot.

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Shabir Jan claimed that while we were seated together, he stated something that he had never done before and began to remark that he lacked confidence. I told him not to do such a thing since Allah has given you a great deal of courage.

He claimed that I left without telling them, went to work, and returned home at the appropriate hour for suhoor.

Shabir Jan said that mother used to take out almonds and cashews for me, I used to lie down with my head on her lap.

The actor said that we cannot clear any debt of the mother and there is no substitute for the parents

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