Sahir Lodhi Made An Important Revelation About Dr. Aamir Liaquat…

There are things that no one else knows, says the famous anchor in a YouTube podcast.

Sahir Lodhi, a popular host of the Kistan Media industry, recently participated in Ahmed Ali Butt’s podcast and reacted strongly to the trolling against him on social media.

He said that anyone can criticize me as bad or wrong as they want, it doesn’t matter to me, but once my 2-year-old daughter was abused by critics, I didn’t mind, since then I have been banned from social media. Hated.

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During the conversation, he also mentioned the last meeting with the religious scholar Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain and said that I had met him 15 days before the death of the doctor, when he died, I could not believe it and felt as if I dug my brother.

Sahir Lodhi says that Dr. Aamir Liaquat was a very good friend of mine, I know things about him that no one else knows, I have also seen him distributing money among people, I visit his grave every day.

He added that I have always been proud of two people in my life, one Amjad Sabri and the other Aamir Liaquat Hussain, both were true human beings and my best friends.

Sahir Lodhi hit back at those criticizing Aamir Liaquat and said that we are human beings and every human being makes mistakes somewhere, but when someone does something wrong, we start considering ourselves righteous and then others. People start judging them for their mistakes, this is what people did with Aamir Liaquat.

He also expressed his displeasure with social media users and said that people spoke very wrongly against Aamir Liaquat, we should not speak against anyone because we all make mistakes.

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