saheefa jabbar

Saheefa Jabbar Opens Up About Mental Health Struggles…

Actress Saheefa Jabbar Khattak’s Candid Discussion…

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak, a prominent figure in the showbiz industry, recently shared her personal journey with mental health on a podcast, shedding light on the challenges she faced.

Battling Depression: A Personal Account,,,

During the podcast, Saheefa revealed the depth of her struggles with depression, recounting a moment when her heart rate dropped dangerously low due to the severity of her condition. She shared a poignant anecdote of being on a flight and instructing air hostesses not to mistake her fainting for death.

A Glimpse into the Depths…

Saheefa disclosed that at one point, she resorted to taking up to thirty pills at once, indicative of the severity of her mental health crisis. She spoke candidly about experiencing bouts of depression since 2013, initially struggling to comprehend the gravity of her situation.

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Seeking Understanding and Support….

Despite her challenges, Saheefa expressed her frustration at being unable to recognize the concern of her loved ones, including her parents and husband. She recounted a desperate plea to her mother, urging her to return to Pakistan to prevent a potential tragedy.

A Journey to Recovery…

With the unwavering support of her family, Saheefa embarked on a journey towards healing. Though her mental health has improved since the darkest days of her depression, she acknowledges that the road to recovery is ongoing.

Beyond the Spotlight…

Beyond her personal struggles, Saheefa Jabbar Khattak has made significant contributions to the entertainment industry, notably portraying ‘Meerab’ in ARY Digital’s acclaimed drama serial ‘Logg Kya Kahege’ in 2020.

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