Armina Khan

Armina Khan Criticizes American Politician Nikki Haley on Social Media

Actress Armina Khan’s Bold Response to Nikki Haley

Famous Pakistani actress Armina Rana Khan recently made headlines for her sharp response to American politician Nikki Haley. Armina took to the micro-blogging site X to express her disapproval, calling the former US presidential candidate and UN delegate a “foul woman.”

Armina Khan’s Advocacy for Gaza

Armina Khan has been vocal about her stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially criticizing the Israeli military’s actions in Gaza. Over the past eight months, she has consistently raised her voice in support of Palestinian civilians and against what she perceives as unjust aggression by the Israeli army. Her outspoken advocacy contrasts with the relative silence of many other celebrities on this issue.

The Incident with Nikki Haley

The incident that triggered Armina’s strong reaction involved Nikki Haley’s visit to areas near Lebanon’s northern border. During this visit, Haley was seen writing “destroy them” on Israeli bomb shells, a gesture that many found provocative. These bombs were intended to be used in Gaza, a detail that further fueled Armina’s indignation.

Social Media Backlash

The photo of Haley’s writing on the bomb shells was shared by Israeli parliament member Danny Danon on X, leading to widespread reactions. Armina Khan’s response reflects her deep-seated frustration with the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and her commitment to speaking out against what she sees as injustices perpetrated by the Israeli military.

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Armina’s strong words against Nikki Haley underscore her dedication to advocating for the oppressed and her willingness to confront powerful figures on contentious global issues.

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